In today’s fast-paced, media-driven world, we face a barrage of advertisements, blogs, celebrity endorsements, and messages about what we should or should not do to achieve a beautiful, healthy complexion. If you’re confused, you’re not alone. A professional consultation by a skincare specialist can not only help make sense of all the information out there but also customize a regimen and treatment plan that’s right for your skin. Read our blog as we discuss what to expect at your skincare consultation.

I’ve booked my consultation – now what?

Take some time to think about what problems or concerns you have regarding your skin and develop a list of questions to ask at your appointment. Your skincare professional will begin by reviewing any aesthetic issues affecting your face, décolletage, neck, and hands. This will help determine your goals and assist your provider with developing a plan according to your needs and expectations.

How does my skincare history factor in?

The consultation is also a good time to discuss your history and how prior issues like sunbathing, smoking, acne, eczema, or psoriasis affect how your skin looks as it ages. A thorough understanding of any previous lifestyle choices or skin problems is instrumental in determining the best cosmetic treatment moving forward.

When will we discuss my options?

Once you discuss your history and your provider assesses your skin, it’s a good time to discuss options. Whether your goal is to eliminate age spots, minimize fine lines, increase skin’s elasticity, or simply revitalize your skin after a harsh winter, there are countless state-of-the-art treatment options and products to help repair and restore your skin for a beautiful, youthful glow.

Am I eligible for any promotions?

Once you decide on a treatment plan, your provider will discuss costs as well as any current promotions for the specific service you’re interested in.

From injectables and chemical peels to facials and Coolsculpting, Belladerm MedSpa offers leading-edge skin rejuvenation procedures to clients throughout the Twin Cities. Call us to schedule your free consultation or visit us online.
